The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18460   Message #183132
Posted By: John in Brisbane
22-Feb-00 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: long neck banjo question
Subject: RE: long neck banjo question
I used to play an Epiphone long neck made in Kalamazoo in the 60's - it had been sitting in a warehouse for 10 years. Tuning was pretty much as Liam descibes for open E tuning.

The long neck came in handy for me at the time as we did a lot of Irish/Australian sings in F, so I'd place the capo at the first fret and de-tune the 5th string to f or sometimes c. I installed a 5th string capo (after experimenting a lot), but more importantly I also installed a fiddle fine tuning peg below the bridge. It made that inevitable tweaking of the 5th string oh so much quicker and more accurate. The fine tuning peg costs next to nothing and installed in a couple of minutes.

I used to find it quite hard to buy strings in Australia that were long enough AND had loop ends. I don't know what it's like today. As I recall I was restricted to Black Diamond.

When I was playing for extended periods in the open tuning, say in E or A, I used to find the arm extension required was damn tiring - I wouldn't recommend this unless your knuckles normally drag on the ground or you're over 6'2".

Regards, John