The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94572   Message #1831541
Posted By: GUEST,TDL
10-Sep-06 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: Folk in North Kent
Subject: RE: Folk in North Kent
Thankyou for including us in your list of regulars. I am sure we'd be interested, as the sessions were originally great fun. Kenneth Ingham rarely travels outside of Greenwich as the Kent air seems too rarified for him. If there was a bus direct to Lower Stoat he'd be on it- maybe. Woodsie- can be relied on for venues within a twenty mile radius of Greenwich but is unable to find the Isle of Grain.
Gwenzilla stays away from Eltham, possibly because TDL didn't go to her gig there. She doesn't like our stuff either so doupt she'd bother. Any other Kent folkies must be washing their hair.If you do go ahead I will put details on our websites if you like.
