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Thread #94169   Message #1831547
Posted By: GUEST
10-Sep-06 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Dylan's latest!: 'Modern Times'
As usual, Dylan worshippers decided they loved the CD before they had even heard it, still believe him to be the 'voice of a generation' etc, etc. No surprise there.

Or on the CD, which I listened to in it's entirety. I'm with Peter T on this one. A rambling bit of, ah, well...not even the band could salvage it, IMO.

I also recently heard live tapes of his last tour--the Fall 2005, from a friend who stage manages at one of the venues he played . Won't be spending my money on Dylan tickets any time soon. The voice is not improving with age, technology just makes it sound as if he still has one.

I keep wanting to have one of those Dylan epiphanies that seem so popular these days among the old timers, but...even 'Time Out of Mind' didn't do it for me. I found 'Slow Train Coming', Shot of Love, et al to be about as brilliant as the Cat Stevens conversion. Dylan as philosopher? Oh yeah, he's almost as brilliant as Ayn Rand.

80s Dylan sucked. The Bootleg Series I bought, but that's all his oldie stuff. This dude has been skatin' on his rep for a couple of decades, IMO. This album is just another in a long line of mediocre attempts to rehash the past. One more time. Thanks, I've already got a shit load of Dylan that sounds just like this. I won't be buying the CD, thanks very much.