The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94536   Message #1831638
Posted By: robomatic
11-Sep-06 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
Subject: RE: BS: The Path To 911/ABC 5-hour miniseries
Well, I watched most of it tonight (after watching the Simpsons, of course). It seemed to replay themes that crop up again and again in certain docudramas (which this did not claim to be) and real life, that of the field agent who knows the situation, and his/her frustration with the politicos that hold or withhold approval of necessary actions. There was a lot of atmosphere to liven it up, and quite a few creditable actors, Harvey Keitel as John O'Neil, f'r'instance.
It was definitely critical of the folks in the offices back in Washington, during the Clinton administration. Let's see how Shrub fares tomorrow night.