The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94584   Message #1832031
Posted By: BB
11-Sep-06 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Photos of Morris Offspring at towersey
Subject: RE: Photos of Morris Offspring at towersey
I have seen neither Dog Rose nor Morris Offspring live, but have followed the other thread about MO with interest. I have to say that of the photos on the link above, there seems to me more obvious energy in the mere three of Dog Rose than in any of the rest. I shall make a point of looking out for them - they remind me very much of the energy and precision that the likes of Great Western and Old Spot used to put into their dancing in the '70s & '80s - and no-one could ever accuse them of being sissy morris dancers!

Just one question - does anyone know *why* Morris Offspring don't use bells? It seems to me to be such a defining feature of Cotswold Morris that I can't see any reason why they shouldn't.
