The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18489 Message #183271
Posted By: Pete Peterson
23-Feb-00 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Help: who was James Larkin?
Subject: RE: Help: PLEASE HELP ME: James Larkin
InOBU can give you a better answer but I will rush in quicly in case he is elsewhere: Larkin was a union organizer in Ireland around 1910; head of the Transport Workers Union; in 1913 he led a series of strikes against the Dublin Tramway Company (street cars) and itw owner, Wm. Murphy. At a sympathy meeting the police themselves rioted and rode through the crowd clubbing down unarmed men and women and children. . . a few months later the strike was broken when the British trade unions would not support the Irish. He also was unable to persuade the extreme Irish nationalists that they should concentrate on improving the life of workers as well as work for independence. . . his great years were 1911-13 and after that the union he had put together was led by James Connolly.