The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1832734
Posted By: BuckMulligan
12-Sep-06 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
1. no
2. yes
3. no
4. no
5. don't know of any worthwhile venues that are truly unmoderated.

The notion that "adults" should be left to wade through the reams of garbage that would ensue in a truly unmoderated forum is nonsense, and would send me away posthaste. The response to "how do you know what's being deleted?" is "I don't, but I only have the word of people whom I consider, from their postings, to be whiners and generally malcontent non-contributors that anything worthwhile is deleted" - We judge by what we see, and the moderation I see appears pretty light-handed and moderate. I suspect I wouldn't be as easy-going in my own forum, in the face of some of the crap that's LEFT up. I've deleted less offensive stuff.