The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #18335
Posted By: chet w
27-Dec-97 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
My how things have changed, though. When I was in high school (beginning in 1969)I started listening to jazz, as well as bluegrass and traditional music of many kinds. It wasn't like everybody was interested in what I was interested in , but people thought it cool, in general, that I knew of somebody named Thelonius Monk etc etc. I was not an outcast for my unusual tastes, but it seems that today if a young person wears a t-shirt with the wrong logo he/she is in real danger of becoming marginalized. As a schoolteacher, I see this process up close and often. What the hell happened?

Chet W.