The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94661   Message #1834420
Posted By: Barry Finn
14-Sep-06 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Serial Bully
Subject: RE: BS: The Serial Bully
Kendall, I gotta commit it to memory 1st but would be happy to sing it for you. I keep changing a little bit here & there over time & my memory can't keep up with the changes. When are you going to show up some where, I'll bring along my cheat sheet?

I was never bullied as a kid, it was too tough of a neighborhood & you had to respond to a threat right away & usually if the other person was bigger it would require an equalizer, so most kids didn't bully because there was only one outcome. There were plenty of fights but once they were over that was the end of it. I told Big Mick the 1st time I met him & he said he was gonna "kick my ass" (in a loving sort of way), "let's do it, I've had my ass kick plenty of times but no one ever wanted to try it a second time". That was life in my little corner of the world, as a kid, tough but bully free.

I wrote the song for my son, he was a target because of his disabilities. He's in his last year of high school now & is no longer little, he's also studied some of the Filipino Martial Arts & is now taking Gracie style Brazilian Jujitsu. He has & does walk away from the regluar confrontations but not from anyone whose privously bullied him in the past.

All US schools are now required to have a bully policy, so if teachers or administrators don't listen remind them it's a law.
At the work place it's intimadation, if it's continuious it's "work place harassment".

GUEST,Anon. Member said

"He had tried talking to his teacher early on, who at one point called both boys out of class to try to address what she saw as simply a personality conflict. The result was an increase in the frequency and intensity of the bullying. They did not take it seriously until the broken arm. Only then did they begin to listen to and believe what he and we had been trying to tell them. This was a kid who cruised along under the radar screen. The school was totally unaware of his 'leadership' abililites and behavior on the playground or in the halls."

The bully has had their life time to perfect their talents & it's like watching a little evil master at their craft. They are seldom ever caught in the act always "flying below the radar screen" & they keep it up for years if they're still getting the desired reaction & they have a knack for getting away with it. When they grow, if they continue this behavior they need to be put in their proper place right away, socialy, with total non exceptence & avoidance from their peers.
