The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18403   Message #183495
Posted By: Amos
23-Feb-00 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: Proposal from Simon-Pierre
Subject: RE: Proposal from Simon-Pierre
Well, maybe I'm sticking a long oar into a short creek, but I submit that there is a lot of consequence to that simple theme, and that as a result the book would be larger in mnay dimensions than y'all are implying. Folk music is our unifying tale, here. But 'Spaw, with all due respect Praise is right. The book would be about you. Just for a small example, the deathless myth of the Dead Man's Curve dialogues, or the whacky classics from other Taverns. Or the dialogues about all the major concerns, personal and tribal, that have come and gone from this site over the years. These thing reflect a far larger domain than folkies, or at least show a far greater dimension than just their musical sides.

Imagine, if you will, sitting around in some dank tavern in Philadelphia during the steamy malarial summer of 1776 (I think) listneing to Adams, Franklin and Jefferson banter and argue and jest while they came up with the Declaration...or sitting in at the Algonquin Club (if it was really all its cracked up to be). Or hanging out in Anne Hathaway's parlor, or whatever she had, when young Will came wooing (I ain't lettin' mah gurl go out with no starvin poet who cain't even spell his own nayum!).

I submit, sir, that there are certain times when the matrix of minds come together in a new way and generate scinitllating, exciting literature from the roots up. I further submit that the time of the Mudcat is one of those times, if only we can stretch our hardnosed imaginations enough to see it, which is the hardest thing to do when these seedling moments are upon us. I walked MacDougal Street in the same days as Bob Dylan and Dave van Ronk, and had Ibut had the sense to realize where I was, I wouldn't be where I am.

Finally, my dear honored friend, I submit that these moments of incipiently colossal literatchoor always have in their chaotic meiotic mechanisms a few titans, whose raw energy makes the vital difference, and that in the present case you must number yourself among that lot.

We may be talking two books here. One for the annals of folk music, and another for the annals of mankind.