The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94557   Message #1835036
Posted By: bfdk
15-Sep-06 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: (Quiz) What song is this line from ?
Subject: RE: (Quiz) What song is this line from ?
Okay, it seems most of mine were a little too hard, so here are the answers:

bf1. There's a journey that we've never made
Never taken, always been afraid
(Harvey Andrews - Long Long Time - UK)

bf2. If you want to have a safe life then don't take risks
But you'll regret it in the future by realizing what you've missed
(Jim Paterson (The Borderers) - Jump right in - AUS)

bf3. Don't talk to me about life's seasons
Don't ask me for answers, don't ask me for reasons
(Eric Bogle - A Reason for it All - AUS)

bf4. So they gave the corpse a sup, just to shut him up
And laid him on the bed without a prayer
(Trad. Irish - When Pat Malone forgot that he was dead - UK)

bf5. From Scotland's grey shores to the cold coast of Greenland
White Seas and Faroes they're making their way
(John Conolly - Grimsby Lads - UK)

bf6. We've still got the tunes, fiddle strings and spoons
And if you've got the time, we've still got the rhymes
(Richard Popovic (Shilelagh Law) - Songs to sing - US)

bf7. They share hearth and heather
They join the dance together
They shed their tears and joy
Then they're gone again forever
(Jed Marum - After the Dance - US)

bf8. You're sweeter, stronger, decenter, you're spunkier than tae
(Trad - Whisky you're the Devil - US)
Guessed by Terry (Leadfingers)

bf9. I will travel lonely for this journey's only
Without thought of you
(Ian McCalman - Seagull Cry - UK)

bf10. And all ah did was ask her had her faither stayed at hame
The next ah ken was ah was in the midden
(Nancy Nicolson - They sent a Woman - UK)

bf11. For hundreds of years when the pipes gave the call
The Sinclairs have answered to fight or to fall
(Matt Armour - Hills of Caithness - UK)

bf12. Now he's forty going on eighty, with his eyes of hope bereft
And he told me this for certain, there's not many of us left
(Pete St. John - Danny Farrell - UK)

bf13. My kitchen is filled with the smell of the sea
And the leaping green fishes my love brings to me
(Dorothy Hewitt - Cock of the North - AUS)

bf14. To throw a farmer's family out, that's the worst of any crimes
It was called the Great Depression, but I called it more hard times
(Rick Fielding - Angus Fraser - US)

bf15. But the year doesn't matter, there's always the drum
The guns and the government call men to come
(Wendy Joseph - Year of the Drum - AUS)
Guessed by Little Robyn

Best wishes,
