The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18403   Message #183649
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Feb-00 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: Proposal from Simon-Pierre
Subject: RE: Proposal from Simon-Pierre
Well said, Amos! I have always felt there was much more of importance, just as a comment on the evolution of society, than what the folk music alone chronicles. I believe a book of the micrcosm could become required reading in some classes. This is virgin territory we are dealing with, shaping, creating, sharing and we all have a hand in it. The Internet is having a huge and lasting impact on humankind, and I, personally, feel the Mudcat embodies the best it can engender and should be held up as an example of that.

Okay, now, Max has said go with it. How about we start divving up threads to edit, then send on those suggested edits to you or whomever wants to volunteer to compile the chapters? There's lots of thoughts on how the chapers etc. should come together, etc. in the previous threads. As I said, I have many of my favourites in my WP program already. I could do one or two of those or any others you'd like and we have plenty of other volunteers, so.....LET'S DO IT!
