The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94786   Message #1837317
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
18-Sep-06 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moslims non-violence- Kill, burn,destroy
Subject: RE: BS: Moslims non-violence- Kill, burn,destroy
I think we will see a lot more of it. I commented, when Cardinal Ratzinger was elected, that it will be the first in a Christian 'backlash' against percieved Moslem intollerance and violence. I believe he is quite radical and hard line. Personaly I doubt whether the hard line approach is right but it does not surprise me one iota that it is being tried. The perception in the west is that the Moslem world is intollerant and violent. The Moslem worlds view of the west is that we are decadent and imperialistic.

I would prefer a program of education, on both sides, and an exchange of ideas. This is not going to happen while the leadership of both sides is so firmly entrenched. Unfortunately the alternative is fighting fire with fire and many will look to Benedict XVI for leadership in this area.

Watch the news, folks. Don't be too shocked when you see Christian leaders using the same language as their Moslem counterparts have been using for years. Hopefuly none of us will answer the call to burn the Mosques but I think we all know one or two who may:-(
