The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94786   Message #1837374
Posted By: beardedbruce
18-Sep-06 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moslims non-violence- Kill, burn,destroy
Subject: RE: BS: Moslims non-violence- Kill, burn,destroy

"But I wonder where they got the idea of a Crusade from? Pardon me, Jihad. "

See below.

"Stupid assholes the lot of them. And the Pope should know better than to say crap like that."

Did you even read what the Pope said?

Jihad -circa 640-740 CE

"Soon after Muhammad's death in 633 AD Arab raiders pushed out of the Arabian peninsula and within 100 years they had cut and burned their way across North Africa to the Atlantic, north through the Iberian peninsula across the Pyrenees into southern France where they were repulsed by Charles Martel, King of the Franks, at Tours in 732 AD. Islam's armies also pushed into the Byzantine Empire, across the Middle East, and then in the 8th and 9th centuries they overran Persia, Afghanistan and northwest India. The march of Islam was stopped by the Mongols and Turks who destroyed the Islamic empire. The Turks adopted Islam and continued its spread across Anatolia and Armenia, over the defeated imperial city of Constantinople into the Balkans, twice reaching the gates of Vienna in the 17th century, from which they were miraculously repulsed.

Islam divides mankind into believers and non-believers. The former are "the best of nations" (6) and the latter are "the vilest of animals" (7) The parts of the world where Islam prevails is called "House of Islam" (dar al-Islam) and those areas which non-believers control is known as "the House of War" (dar al-harb) because war is what it takes to subdue it. Non-believers are divided into two groups, namely pagans and Peoples of the Book (Christians and Jews because they relied on books, i.e. the Torah and the Gospels). In early Islam the pagans were offered the choice of converting or being put to the sword. Most converted. Christians and Jews, however, were treated differently. Upon surrender without a struggle and in exchange for protection of their lives and property, they entered into a contract (dhimma) with their overlords, minimum conditions of which were 1) submission to Islamic rule; 2) admission of their own inferiority; and 3) payment of the capitation or head tax (jizya) (8) In addition the local rulers imposed whatever other limitations or indignities they wished, such as distinctive clothing, boots and head gear, restricted living areas, limited use of riding animals etc and other indignities designed to compel conversion to Islam and transfer of wealth to Muslims."

Crusade - 1095 CE

"The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II to regain control of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Christian Holy Land from Muslims. What started as an appeal to the French knightly class quickly turned into a wholesale migration and conquest of territory outside of Europe. Both knights and peasants from many different nations of western Europe, with little central leadership, travelled over land and by sea towards Jerusalem and captured the city in July 1099, establishing the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the other Crusader states. Although these gains lasted for fewer than two hundred years, the First Crusade was a major turning point in the expansion of Western power, and was the only crusade — in contrast to the many that followed — to achieve its stated goal, which was possession of Jerusalem."