The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94756   Message #1837489
Posted By: open mike
18-Sep-06 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: What did Della Ware?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Della Ware?
what did Ida Hoe?
she hoed her potatoes..

(please no rude comments about Ida here..)

although i did hear a show where the
question was "a term applied to a person who
is overly sexually active, also the name of
a garden implement" the answer was supposed to
be "rake" as in unfortunate rake, but the
contestant aswered "Hoe" and given credit
for the correct a surprised host.

and how much did Io weigh?
she weighed a washington..

and where does the New Brass Key come in?