The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18463 Message #183848
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Feb-00 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
Subject: RE: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
Our new friend Chocolate Pi' is a tasty young lass, And her band's name will tickle Sir Songwriter's a** For his glows in the dark ('Cat radio fans well doth know) While hers blasts off to space at the Frumious show!
Welcome and PLEASE put up with the fogie folkie majority, and don't be afraid to show us yer crust!
Gargoyle, my precious, I don't think ye see That the moderator and queen of this thread here be me. If yer hankerin' to star in a show at this stage Ye might start by attempting to act half yer age.
If ye did chances are we'd come visit yer thread, Which ye'd open, and host it, and yer case cud be pled. As it is I'm still waitin' yer answer to come On my personal page... where me message kem' from!