The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94838   Message #1838900
Posted By: Sttaw Legend
20-Sep-06 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: music exchange CANCELLED for Sept HULL
Subject: music exchange CANCELLED for Sept HULL
harriWattsband have unfortunately had to cancel this months "music exchange". Swallows Hotels the national hotel chain who own The Dorchester Hotel have called in the administrators. Most events for this month have been cancelled. We have been told the following months should be OK – we will keep you informed.

If Swallows does have to swallow its pride "music exchange" will live on at another venue. Allegedly they are in dept to the tune of 50 Million plus, it is very heartening to think "music exchange" harriWatts band and the various guests contributed to this business venture. You can read more details here if you are bored press details

Apologies to Punch the Horse who we were really looking forward to playing with. Punch the Horse will be at Durty Nellies in High Street Hull this coming Friday night.