Hi Clinton, from just across the river,
As I perceive it … I would recommend making the wallpaper behind your picture either more out of focus or exactly in focus. The way it is now, your picture (which is very well shot) is fighting with the wallpaper for the eye's attention. The eye is trying to figure out the wallpaper design.
But it's fine as-is, or would be fine more out of focus also, behind the text section.
I would center the large-type heading, Clinto's Stuff.. I would center the text body, at least approximately – maybe just moving each line over two more tab stops.
For the text body, I would go to a larger font, and also either try bolding the one you're using, OR ELSE experiment with a different font (typeface) that is somewhat bold to begin with. A reverse (dark background, white type) is tricky. Basically the white letters need to be larger than normal and blockier than normal, in order to be readable. It takes experimenting.
I think you've got a fine prototype. I like the snappy text and links. With one exception, I react quite strongly against the XXX one, I just think it is without class and does not reflect well on you. But perhaps you're aiming for the punk market?
I repeat, these are just suggestions about enhancing a perfectly fine concept. Cheers! -- Larry C.