The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94572   Message #1839686
Posted By: Richard Bridge
20-Sep-06 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: Folk in North Kent
Subject: RE: Folk in North Kent
I think the pub sells the trendy Wankers (err, sorry, Magners) cider.

They have checked with the brewery and are allowed a guest beer. I have promised to put them in touch with the Nelson brewery. There may be some pipes problems, so they are planning to put the barrels in the kitchen and serve under gravity, the old-fashioned way.

Heckled Sven will NOT be on the list since the strength has been reduced (and the flavour too) by the brewery.

The pub will be getting the beer in specially for us as they normally sell only lager and keg on draught (under pressure), so I will be asking those definitely coming to a particular night to sign up for the specific dates in advance to allow for the right amount of beer to be ordered 10 days in advance and be racked by the Wednesday to be settled by the Saturday and ready to drink. If the pub gets too little beer in then the beer will run out and you will have to drink the house spirits which are very reasonable price and good quality (the whisky, for example, despite the label, is a brand the name of which has a very familiar "ring" to it). If the pub gets too much beer in and has to throw it away when it does not get drunk then we will not be popular and the getting in in advance of beer will stop and thirsty folkies will have to sing Australian songs like "Pub with no beer".

Current (variable) plans are to start after Tenterden, and run until just before Miskin, then shut down for summer again...

By the way, are there any more festivals in the South East after Tenterden?