The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1840825
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Sep-06 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
you have been treated with more tolerance than would have been granted a "newbe".

[Is that you Joe?]
If that were to be the case - then it just as well for any 'newbe' that I am not just content (like far too many others) to just watch and say 'I'm alright Jack'. For then any 'newbe' and guest would have been tolerated less and treated even less well than you claim they are.

If I have been treated differently to any other posters - it is not my wish or made at my request. My request is that ALL posters are seen to be treated equally. And are able to see the true nature and current level of imposed censorship action, to enable our forum for the first time to be able to express an informed judgement on whether all this imposed in their name - is really proportiate.

Anyone trusting enough who wishes to sign blank cheques - is welcome to send them to me.........

I have done nothing but try for many years to post my moderately expressed and honest views on our forum for the purpose of reasonable discussion - but which no other poster is being forced to read or respond to.

Many completly bogus accusations have been encouraged to be made and many attempts made to justify the selective prevention, alterations, moves and restrictions on my posts and the deletions and imposed closures of many threads in which these posts appear. With various and ammusing attempts at justification, to make such closures sound noble.

All of these methods of inhibiting reasonable discussion are now attempted to be justified to our forum by the current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team, as somehow enabling reasonable discussion to take place.

Quite how this is supposed to work - where there is room for all - has yet to be explained. But it is just the latest and inevitable result of a system of so-called 'moderation' that publicly encourages other posters to indulge in conflict and where (some) 'moderators' are seen to activly indulge in open conflict and witch-hunts mounted against named individual posters, to try to prevent their honest and moderatly expressed views from appearing or remaining (as posted) on our forum.