The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94887   Message #1841289
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
23-Sep-06 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: Sheffield (UK) Folk Festival 2006
Subject: RE: Sheffield (UK) Folk Festival 2006
Diane's session will, I think, be continuing a bit later than last year so that musicians involved in the afternoon dance displays can look in there as well.

There is an outline programme on the website. Full details (I devoutly hope) will be in the print programme, which I am working on as we speak. There is still information to be finalised and some material still not received; but we are nearly there.

Next year I am optimistic (!) that the team will believe me when I tell them that everything needs to be set more-or-less in stone at least three months before the event (dance schedules apart; dance teams are notoriously hard to pin down until the last minute).

That said, this year's festival will be well worth a visit by anybody's standards. Beside a roster of excellent performers (many locally based) there is plenty of stuff for the social dancers and for the session and singaround-goers. The range of free, "official fringe" events alone would keep anyone thoroughly occupied for the weekend, but of course we do encourage people to buy tickets (a range are available, from weekend "seasons" to individual events) and go to everything they possibly can. We are mostly self-financing, after all.