The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94923   Message #1841465
Posted By: Mr Red
23-Sep-06 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Recorders type/range?
Subject: Recorders type/range?
Joy is learning the recorder. The problem is the range of notes available to play a tune in the key of D (or is it G?).
The tune she is on is Bobby Shaftoe and the book recommends a descant or a wooden recorder.
So she bought a wooden recorder (it sounds nicer!) and they didn't have a descant. It has a range from middle C to one octave and a note. Bobby Shaftoe seems to like the E &/or F higher.
This was at a festival - and the assistant wasn't a woodwinder.

So the questions are: what questions to ask of the shop so that they don't peddle "what they got".
And what range would a descant have? (OK it would be in a lower register but hopefully suitable for a session which usually means D & G)

My Advice was to buy cheap and accept the fact of buying again. It still is. But hopefully with a clearer picture.

Joy can play the piano.


before we buy another recorder I will suggest what I found here on the mudcat
need advice flute, recorder, cold weathe . Tech: Recorder sounds like a whistle . Recorder Questions