The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94929   Message #1842055
Posted By: akenaton
24-Sep-06 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
Subject: RE: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
I agree with Ard mhacha.
The conflagration is now burning out of control. The Muslim fundamentalists no longer need a figurehead to rally round, Western foreign policy has given them all the amunition they need.

Iraq was the greatest political mistake in living memory, including Vietnam, and the architects of that mistake, both in the US and the UK should be punished by their respective electorates.

Here on Mudcat, thankfully most of the apologists have realised that their position was indefencible, Teribus and others not worth naming are conspicious by their absence, but the rats in Whitehall and Washington still cling on by their fingernails.

In Britain, I sense a change politically. The sleeping giant is starting to awaken......I have great hopes for that other sleeping giant across the Atlantic Ocean.......Ake