The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94929   Message #1842151
Posted By: akenaton
24-Sep-06 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
Subject: RE: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
How can you justify the slaughter that the war has brought to the people of Iraq?

While we attempt to export our brand of democracy to other cultures and faiths we will always be under attack.

Fight Terrorism???

I live near a small country town in Scotland, there are now almost 500 registered drug addicts living there, some as young as fourteen.
Children as young as nine or ten are used as couriers by the dealers.
They carry herion wrapped in clingfilm in their mouths and deliver it by bicycle.
Young girls of fifteen and sixteen regularly travel to sell their bodies in the larger towns for the price of a hit.

There is one state funded drugs worker attempting to run a methadone program, but the government says there are insufficient funds available to properly staff it.

In my opinion any society which is unable or unwilling to protect its children is not worth fighting for.

Before you take your medication, try to read this