The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18516   Message #184270
Posted By: simon-pierre
24-Feb-00 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
The guy called me monday at 5h00 pm to ask me if I wanted to sing at 8hOO pm for students who occupied their school (were I was four years ago) and did a bed-in. He ask me if i could play some protest songs to ecxite the troups. Ok, all right, hadn't been on stage since two years, but i'm always there for the cause.

They were.. fifteen! Solidarity....

I ended with «Times they are a-changin'». I only catched the irony in the middle of the song.

They have changed, indeed...