The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94916   Message #1842899
Posted By: Grab
25-Sep-06 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should people pay for their own risks ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should people pay for their own risks ?
Should people who climb mountains against the advice of weather reports and then risk up to twenty other peoples lives having to rescue them be charged for their actions?

Yep, I think so. As a fairly keen hillwalker and hang-glider pilot, I wouldn't hesitate to pay extra insurance for rescue services if I had to. And in fact I take a big hit on life and long-term-illness insurance because I fly.

But suppose you've done everything right, and a boulder you're standing on just happens to roll. You were doing something inherently dangerous - hillwalking - and in spite of all your preparations, it goes wrong. What then?

Or if it comes to that, suppose you're driving well within the speed limit, and you happen to hit a bit of black ice. What then? This isn't a hypothetical situation - it actually happened to me, and I ran into the back of another car at the grand speed of 15mph. I admit I was approaching the queue a little faster than maybe I should have, but had I been going slower I still wouldn't have been able to stop in time. (While we were exchanging details, an artic did precisely the same thing in the same place at about 5mph, and slid with wheels locked for several yards - luckily there was no-one in front of him!)

Or, and now we're getting down to it, suppose you're driving at motorway speeds (which are fast but nothing you couldn't handle any day of the week) and a tyre blows out? In modern cars, they're designed to cope with that, but say you're driving something older like a Mini. Who's responsible when you lose control and go off the road?

And that's where it looks like we are with RH...

As regards air ambulance services, I think it's disgraceful that they're not funded by the government, because they're an essential part of the ambulance service. And they're not just volunteers like the RNLI or mountain rescue - these are professional pilots and paramedics.

Did someone explain to him that doing this stunt could result in? and it was nothing more than a stunt.Was he told,You have a wife and kids, you could be killed or seriously injured.

Given that there was a risk assessment, I think you can say that it's a 100% certainty.
