The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94929   Message #1843217
Posted By: akenaton
25-Sep-06 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
Subject: RE: BS: Bin Laden dead or alive?
Bin Laden is probably still alive, but of no real importance to the jihadist movement, which due to Western foreign policy carries its own momenmtum.

When Blair or Bush are pressed on the effects of their foreign policy regarding terrorism, they inevitably cite the attack on the World Trades Centre as "terrorism which occurred before the Iraq War"
As if the WTC attack was the start of all our terrorist problems.
Nothing could be further from the truth, Anglo/American foreign policy inthe Middle East has been radicalising Muslems for decades and US support for Israeli suppression of the Palistinians is the greatest recruiting sergeant for fundamentalist Islam.

Bin Laden has written that it was US support fot the Israeli bombing of Beirut in 1982 that first radicalised him... "I still remember the blood -torn limbs,the women and children massacred. Houses were being destroyed and tower blocks collapsing.
As I looked on the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the oppressor in kind, by destroying towers in America."

Neither should we assume that attempting to spread our brand of "democracy" in the Middle East will isolate the Islamists, as evidence from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Palistine ect proves that given the option, newly radicalised Muslems will choose fundamentalist candidates over secularists.

all Terrorism is disgusting, whether perpetrated by rag-tag militias or powerful countries like UK/US, but although we condemn, it does not follow that we should not analyse accurately the reasons for that terrorism.

Many on this forum have made no attempt to analyse.

Our only hope is to reverse our foreign policy, get our invasion forces out and start to make some credible progress on an Israeli/Palistinian settlement...Ake