The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95000   Message #1843495
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
26-Sep-06 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: Concertinas at Witney
Subject: Concertinas at Witney
There's no doubt that any concertina player who can get to Concertinas at Witney (Oxfordshire, England) should do. It's an annual weekend of workshops for a wide range of styles, systems and ability levels run by Dave Townsend's Hands-On Music Weekends organisation.

I've just come back from a generous two days of being taught, making music, socialising and putting away a certain amount of Hook Norton.

The event is always the last full week-end in September, so next year's will be on 29th. - 30th. September, starting with an informal pub session on the Friday 28th. There's an excellent trade fair on the second day with a huge selection of concertinas and music books on sale from a range of dealers.

This year's tutors were Tim Laycock (song accompaniment), Rob Harbron, Dave Townsend, Harry Scurfield (jazz, blues) Norman Chalmers (Scottish traditional)Stuart Estell (reggae, rock and anything he gets his hands on) Pauline de Snoo (classical) and Jenny Cox (concertina band).

Have a look at

Tootle pip,

Lewes Arms Folk Club