The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94916   Message #1843605
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
26-Sep-06 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should people pay for their own risks ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should people pay for their own risks ?

That says it all, and it shouldn't be forgotten that most of the technological advances which reduce our chances of dying in car crashes have come directly from motor competition in its many forms.

When I was seventeen, I was a motor cyclist, and in anything other than perfect weather it was down to pure chance whether I would live or die if forced to swerve or brake hard. The level of grip that modern cycles have is a direct result of motorcycle racing.

The same applies to cars, in terms of tyre performance, chassis strength, and braking efficiency.

Without these "stupid jerks" who take calculated risks, I might long since have been dead and buried. I thank God for their legacy.

BTW, I am surprised at what happened to RH, but for a different reason to those expressed above. Having watched drag racing for many years, I am astonished that he was injured at all.

The safety record of these vehicles stacks up well against any other motor sport, with a minute number of serious injuries and deaths.

Over the years, more drivers have benn hurt, or died, in small saloon car racing than in dragsters. Crashes at over 200 mph are far from rare, and in most cases the drivers get out and walk away. Of those that are injured a majority are home again the same day.

Don T.