The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94928   Message #1843690
Posted By: The Shambles
26-Sep-06 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Why reject the term 'source singer'?
Subject: RE: Why reject the term 'source singer'?
Why reject the term 'source singer'?

To me, as unrepentant worshipper of traditional folkmusic, "source singer" is a term of high honour. But it is undeniably true that in some people's mouths the term is a put-down(very like Lenin's description of the faithful toilers for the revolution as "useful idiots").

That should be enough.

Whether you think it to be a term of honour and respect or a put-down - the fact that the same term can (and does) have two completly opposite meanings in practice - is perhaps enough reason alone to reject it? As such a situation makes it very difficult to communicate and can only lead to heated misunderstandings........

On the other hand - in the face of what we have seen in this thread - if you wish (for some reason) to carry on arguing forever - then just carry on using such confusing terms.