The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95014   Message #1844199
Posted By: Old Guy
27-Sep-06 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Subject: RE: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
According to Bobert, Bush is the devil and Hugo is da man:


OAS/Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

..With respect to the right to humane treatment, the Commission observes that the worsening of the institutional conflict in Venezuela has spilled over into acts of violence that have led to violations both of the right to life, as described, and of the right to humane treatment. As regards the latter right, the Commission notes a series of aspects of particular concern. First, the high number of cases of torture and of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment practiced by the state security forces. Second, the failure of the competent state organs to do their duty to investigate complaints on these cases and to punish those responsible, who usually remain unpunished. The latter encourages the reiteration of such conduct and the absence of effective procedures to monitor respect for the physical integrity of persons detained at civilian and military detention centers...

Venezuela: Fear for safety/death threats/unlawful detention/torture and ill-treatment

Venezuela troops 'used torture'

Nerves Frayed in Venezuela After Killings of Chávez Opponents

VENEZUELA The silent cry:
gross human rights violations against children