The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95014   Message #1844638
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-06 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Subject: RE: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Hey, Old Guy,

In your rebuttal to LH's initial post about giving up freedoms using other countries as worse violators you did nuthin' but ***prove*** LH's premise...

You really need to slow down and reread folks stuff before you go on the attack... You made a complete fool of yourself this time...

Kinda reminds me of a story an old black social activist preacher told me once... Yeah, I've told the story at least once over the eyars here in Mudville but it especially holds true for you, Oldster, after yer attempted rebuttal... The story goes like this:

There was a racist author who had published several books exposing the merits of keepin' the country segregated and he was invited to speak at a black college. He bagan his speach by sayin', "All you people are descendants of monkeys..." and then stood back from the podium as the black college kids jumped up and down and shook their fists and yelled and screamed at the speaker for his opening remarks...

When the shoutin' and gesturin' died down the speaker walked slowly to the podium and calmly said, "I rest me case" and walked out...

I mean no disrespect here but there does seem a similarity here to the way that you ***react*** to other folks ideas, experiences and opinions... LH probably didn't think he was layin' a trap for you bnut in your hast to fire back at what you percievced as an attack upon you hero, George Bush, you built your own trap and then stepped into it...

It doesn't need to be said but if you reread your own reaction I think you'd rather have thought what LH was trying to tell you thru before going into damage control...

You have rested your own case on this one, pal...

But I still loves you even if you are a reactionary protector of Bush...
