The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95000   Message #1844835
Posted By: GUEST,HSA
28-Sep-06 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: Concertinas at Witney
Subject: RE: Concertinas at Witney
I went to a couple of Concertinas it Witney when I first started learning and I found it absolutely invaluable. I would thoroughly recommend it for a beginner - it gets you out of bad habits before they become ingrained for one.

The third time I found it a bit frustrating. There was nobody really catering for what I do (For Capt Birdseye - Irish on the English!!) and one course which should have been really good and was clearly billed as "this session will be taught by ear" was devalued by a small section of people who insisted they could only play by reading the dots and had no intention of trying it any other way.

I haven't been since then - but that is not to say I would not if the right session was available.

Many people go every year. Some of them are better the next year and some clearly never progress but enjoy the environment (and there are plenty of courses there for those who want to read from the dots). You pays your money and takes your choice.
