The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95055   Message #1845341
Posted By: GUEST,The guy who used to be here on a daily basis
28-Sep-06 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm not here any more.
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here any more.
Oh, for Christ's sake, NO!!!!! No, no, a thousand times NO!!! I thought I had left this accursed forum for good, but I had to stop in one last time and see how certain people responded to my farewell thread. (They say curiosity killed the cat...don't they?) And what do I see? My thread has morphed into another stupid wrangle between Shambles and Big Mick, etc...the usual, in other words.

The horror. The horror.

Look, I did not mean for that to happen. Never in my wildest dreams. It was the last thing I wanted to see happen. Trust me on this! My farewell thread has been ruined and utterly compromised by getting drawn into Shamblegate. My dramatic au revoirs, my final exit, my homeric taking of leave...has been turned to shit before my very eyes!

This is tough for me to say, but...(choke)(groan)(gritting of teeth)...

I am willing to come back immediately if you just all stop the Shambles-related wrangles on this thread right now! It's a hell of a blow to my dignity, but I will, okay? I'll return. I'll darken your door again, even though I swore I never would. I'll kibitz here with the rest of you on a daily basis, even though I'll hate myself for doing it. Just STOP with the Shambles vs whoever stuff, please! I can't take anymore of that!!!

I hope you all appreciate what this offer to return has cost me in destroyed peace of mind and loss of dignity, I really do.