The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18463 Message #184541
Posted By: Sabra
25-Feb-00 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
Subject: RE: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
(Uh OH...and now I'm gonna attract the wrath of Garg right off wi two postings in a row) Chocolate Pi~~ I was interested to see you mention Shapednote singing- I attended a "sing" in the Smokey Mtns two summers ago and was mesmerised! The event was put on by the parks service for the tourists, but the folks who came to sing had members that had been at this for over 30 years. I joined in a bit as they invited us to do,(even bought the song book to bring home) but since I have no group to sing with locally thats about as far as I got. Welcome from a fellow newbie and cool about the shapenote group!!