The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95000   Message #1845766
Posted By: Howard Jones
29-Sep-06 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: Concertinas at Witney
Subject: RE: Concertinas at Witney
Perhaps I should have referred to "technique" rather than "style". I was suggesting that using a similar technique to play ornaments on the English would sound as if they were played on an Anglo.

I agree that there are many styles and everyone should try to develop their own style. But I believe that Irish music sounds different played on an English rather than an Anglo, and it perhaps follows that since the traditional instrument was usually Anglo, if English players want to recreate that sound then they should try emulating Anglo technique. If they don't, then fine - I'm not making a value judgement here.

There will always be people who insist there is only one way to something, but this is stultefying. Styles develop and progress because people develop their own ways of playing.