The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95092   Message #1846103
Posted By: The Sandman
29-Sep-06 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Compering/ MCing at a folk club
Subject: RE: Compering/ MCing at a folk club
There is an art to m cing,
the mc needs to be organised, and have an idea of time, he needs to know about his guest and floor singers. and say something positve about each of them.
if he gets a weak floor singer he needs to think quickly and be flexible and put on someone strong to bring the night up.if the guest is aconcertina player he needs to put on somebody contrasting just before, perhaps a Guitarist.
above all else he needs to keep looking at his watch,and make sure the guest doesnt go on too late.he needs to have communicated with the guest about fimishing time.
an m c can make or break an evening.