The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95107   Message #1846527
Posted By: Azizi
29-Sep-06 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: Alphabetical order and names
Subject: RE: Alphabetical order and names
Shambles, there may be something to the fact that a person whose first or last name starts with a "Z" would get tired of being called last. Or maybe having to deal with being called last in roll call and graduation, and other occassions when lists of names are called, teaches patience.

I went to an elementary school graduation last year, and this boy whose last name was Young was always the last one whose name was called out for awards for grades, perfect attendance, and his graduation certificate. At one point, after calling out this boy's name, the teacher hosting the program said something like "And the first shall be last". My thought was why doesn't the host act on what he said?

Imo, persons with end of alphabet names should sometimes be called on first. That would be fairer than those with beginning alphabet names being first.

And-though this is a digression-I like my name Azizi since it contains both the first and last letter.

Actually, one reason why I like it is because I was told that the letter "z" is a power letter. {And since many people mispell my name by adding more "z", they are giving me more energy}.

Maybe one way to deal with the possible negative repercussions of folks {young and not so young} whose names begin with an end of alphabet letter, is to promote the belief that these letters are more powerful than the beginning letters.

But, no. Given the way the world is, soon you'd have discrimination against folks with beginning letter names instead of the discrimination against end letter names that we have now.

Alternating how names are called out would be better than staying with the fixed system we have now.

{a fixed system that is-after all-quite broken and in need of serious repair}.