So, Shambles, do you think you might be able to take some time to tell us about Freddie King, instead of just stating the date he was born. Birthday threads can be fun, if you learn something from them. As long as you're going to the trouble of starting these birthday threads, why not tell us something more interesting than the guy's birth date? -Joe offer-
So- Joe Offer, why don't you just mind your own business and concentrate on finding ways to allow posters to post what they wish without you being seen to feel you have some right to judge this wanting? If I felt that posters now needed your permission to start a thread - I may have asked you.
It seem to work pretty well in the other threads if what is said in the thread is left up to other posters. As is largely the case with OBIT threads. If posters do not wish to - the thread will fall off the bottom. Or are you going to find some justification to move, close or 'slently delete' this thread too?
I know what I know and think about Freddie King - I am interested in reading what other posters may think of him and what part he and his music may have had on their lives. Be this silly or profund. Birthdays - whether the person is still alive or not - give us the chance to do this.
And it is probably better than waiting until the subject is dead.
Perhaps you could tell us what do you think of Freddie King?