The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95037   Message #1846940
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
30-Sep-06 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Growing up in post-holocaust Germany
Subject: RE: BS: Growing up in post-holocaust Germany
I think the pattern in England has been a bit different from what comes across from the American.

A level of anti-German feeling, as expressed in stuff like footbvall fans chanting the Dam Busters theme, or T-shirts and tabloid headlines, and that kind of stuff has never gone away. During the World Cup in most pubs, if there was a match on involving Germany, most people would automatically be backing the other side.

But by now it's basically tribal rather than anythingelse. It wouldn't be so different if it was a question of France. If it was France playing Germany I wouldn't be sure where the balance would be. It's a matter of national rivalries which have become ritualised. Rather the same way that in Ireland ( or even more so in Scotland, I gather) it tends to be a matter of always backing the team who is playing against England. Or like football club loyalties - "Anyone but Arsenal", for example. But I wouldn't read too much into that kind of thing.

But I don't think the differences with the Russians during the Cold War period ever made their way into popular culture in that way. The only time this country ever fought the Russians was back in the Crimea in the 1850s, and that's a long time ago. The Cold War? That was basically a matter for politicians to worry their heads over.