The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94778   Message #1847085
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
30-Sep-06 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: Pitching a Song
Subject: RE: Pitching a Song
Well, you never know where you might get a break. Maybe Mudcat is my good luck charm. Since I started this thread not even 2 weeks ago, I've had two hopeful events, and one is downright wonderful! Both happened because of playing the songs everywhere, even when you think people would rather hear something else. This is especially true for a bluegrass band when you get the idea people would rather hear the old traditional favorites than your own originals.

Anyway, we keep playing this one song that I wrote (HILLSIDE HOME), and our buddy Roger Sprung seems to love it. Yep, I'll drop his name, he's a legend and a grizzly bear to some but always good to us and an amazing musician on banjo and anything else he picks up. So Roger says to me, "Hey, if a REALLY GOOD band did that song of yours, it would be a knockout!" (Thanks, Roger, I think...) So he asked for a copy of it to send to some friends of his on the west coast who perform, "and SHE has a GREAT voice" (thanks again...). Anyway, my song may move a few steps forward because we played it and he heard it.

The second event happened because I insisted on including a certain other song of mine (CONNECTICUT WALTZ) in a set, even though the guy sitting in on fiddle with us (Stacy Phillips, another dropped name, another legend, grammy winner, amazing musician) didn't know it yet. After hearing and playing it, he said I ought to contact so-and-so who was putting together a soon to be published songbook called "The Connecticut Sound: A CONNtra Collection: Reels, Jigs, Marches, Hornpipes, Rags & Waltzes." He recommended this song for the book. Well, I sent her five tunes, and five of my tunes (including the one Stacy was playing) are going to be published in this upcoming songbook! I'm beyond delighted, I'm downright teary.

Thanks for the advice. To all you others reading along, listen to the advice.