The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95107   Message #1848319
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
02-Oct-06 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Alphabetical order and names
Subject: RE: Alphabetical order and names
Shame some people haven't got something real to worry about. Try the genocide in Darfur, global warming, illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - and forget all this horseshit about alphabetican lists and imaginary hurt feelings. Kids NEED to learn to accept that they might have to stand in line and wait their turn occasionally, that they can't have everything their own way, and that rules are set by those in authority over them - the inability or unwillingness to get their heads around that little truth is one of the main reasons why we live in a 'ME, ME, ME!' society nowadays, where selfishness and the 'fuck you, me first' attitude are becoming the standard.

For god's sake, people, get a life and worry about something that matters.