The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1848421
Posted By: The Shambles
02-Oct-06 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Sorry Ron - I see very little logic in what you say.

Change is constant and necessary.   Some of us accept change and welcome it. Others rebel at the mere thought. There will always be someone who gripes over what they have no possibility of changing.

Shambles, you left out a third option.   Enjoy it the way it is. Everything is not simply a yes or no, black or white, Ayn Rand run world.

What is it to be? Change or the status quo or are you supporting both?

Ron - I like the way things are. I do not complain about there being any lack of peace. Nor do I wish or suggest a change to a music only forum (as you do). When the public are invited to our forum by Max to discuss anything - there is bound to be some excitement. That in inherrent in the whole concept. All that is required is being seen to be able agree to disagree. that is as good as it gets - and our forum still currently has this. Just........

My problem is with those who take on the role of 'moderators' in the full knowledge that this is their remit but do not really in their hearts endorse it. Who constantly complain publicly about everything and encourage personal judgements to be posted about other named posters. And who then publicly post that:

And despite our best efforts, Mudcat is no longer a pleasant place to hang out and goof off or have a good discussion. So, I think something has to be done. Ebbie's suggestion about putting Secret Santa in the music section is a very simple answer to one major objection I had to members-only BS posting - duh, why didn't I think of that?

So, short of members-only posting, what can we do to bring peace to this place? I'd rather have another solution, but I haven't been able to think of one.
-Joe Offer-

Our forum remains a very pleasant place to hang-out and it is pretty obviously still a place to goof off or have a good discussion. It would be even better if those very few posters who publicly post to a differently effect - were to form the members only site that they already treat our forum as and leave the rest of us in peace.