The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18463   Message #184977
Posted By: Irish sergeant
25-Feb-00 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
Subject: RE: Welcome New Members--February 22, 2000
Thanks every body for the welcomes. Praise, only play mom cat if it suits the days temperment. from the folkiies I've known in my life I learned, most of the timie ya can't teach em much about anything other than music. (Which is cool enough). Chocolate PI, If you're the "baby" of the group that makes me an old f**t. I was riding carriers before you were born. But it's a good thing that there are people much younger that I who are interested in traditional music. By the way i'm looking for skipping rope rhymes from Lodon's Whitechapel district circa 1880-1888 (Research for a story about Jack the Ripper) Any clues? Again, thank you all, and I look forward to a long fruitful musical association, Irish Sgt.(Aka Neil)