The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18516   Message #185017
Posted By: Lucius
25-Feb-00 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
If Sebastian Cabot (Buffy and Sissy's butler on "Family affair") can do Bob Dylan, then anyone can. As far as doing him justice, that's for you to decide.

I vaguely remember a story connected to Arlo Guthrie durring Bob Dylan's post-Blood on the Tracks period. They were in competing venues in the same town. Arlo looked over his smattering of audience, reflect on the fact that he was competing with Dylan for the folk audience, and said something to the effect of "If you want to hear any of the great OLD Bob Dylan songs you've come to the right place".