The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3547   Message #18503
Posted By: Susan-Marie
31-Dec-97 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Tune/Chords Req: Simple Gifts
Subject: RE: the notes or chords to a song
I have really enjoyed this thread and now I need one more piece of information: how do I figure out what key I sing songs in? In other words, if I pick a good starting note for my voice range, how do I figure out what key to tell the band to play in (if I had a band that is, which I don't, but I can dream)? The only way I can figure is to go to the piano and write down the notes I'm using and then try to match them to the set of notes in various keys. IS that it, or is there an easier way? Will this way even work - what about music where there are sharps or flats that aren't part of the key signature? Sigh. I really should have paid attention in high school music classes....