The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3547   Message #18505
Posted By: Jon W.
31-Dec-97 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Tune/Chords Req: Simple Gifts
Subject: RE: the notes or chords to a song

Usually the last note of the song, particularly uncomplicated traditional songs, is the key of the song. This is called "resolving" the music. This is a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. The piano method you describe is good also.

Sharps and flats not part of the key signature are called accidentals. If a note is consistently sharp or flat, that should be considered in the key signature. If it's only occasionally sharp or flat but mostly natural, it's an accidental. Of course a natural can be an accidental also, if the note is sharp or flat in the key signature. Complicated enough?