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Thread #95246   Message #1850732
Posted By: Barry Finn
05-Oct-06 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congress Celebrate's Iraq's 2nd Victory
Subject: BS: Congress Celebrate's Iraq's 2nd Victory
Seems that the news is just in this evening that a republican buffoon, a Congressman I think he's from Kentucky, put a bill through that sets aside 20 million for a Victory Iraq & Afghanistan celebration to be held in Washington DC in the hopes that this will soon be a reality & if not soon enough the bill provides the money to be rolled over into 2007.


It's gotta be some kind of joke right? Nope, no joke. I can't believe this. Are the republicans trying to sink their own ship or did they think no one would take notice until after the elections. Are they choking on the whole process, they're falling apart at the seams, it's a good thing but what gives.
The Iraqi police are now helping the insurgency, the heroin trade in a blooming business in Afghanistan, terrorist camps are the field crop in the mid east & they're growing rapidly, Iraq is on the brink of civil war & in both places they're kicking our asses.


So who's the idiot's in the houses that past this? Did they not read the whole page before passing it, was it hidden in the small print,
was it a late nite session after all he dems went home or were they steam rolled over & the next day just kept their mouths shut? Did the news media decide this bill wasn't a newsworthy item, was it done by secret ballot only a select few knew about it? What the hell happened & who did they think they're kidding?

I'm at a loss to try & comprehend the logic of what our political reprehensive representatives are doing & thinking. Even when one cannot think or act & just go into a coma for 7 to 500,000 minutes they can't just make a mistake like this, it's just not possible. Sure, start an illegal war, take basic human & civil rights away even tell the UN to bugger off & ask them to clean up our mess & then to even go as far to shout from the deck of an aircraft carrier "Mission Ass." even Condi's Madonna tour to the mid-east but this, tell me it's a national fool's day celebration, please!!

OK, it's true I don't like Bush & his Rummy Cartel but can you blame me.

Bewilder Barry