The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16278   Message #1850956
Posted By: An Buachaill Caol Dubh
05-Oct-06 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Molly Malone
Subject: RE: Help: Who wrote Molly Malone?
Very good, Fergus. Anyone heard Frank Harte's rendition, where the "Co-ckles! and Mu-ssles! --Alive, Alive O!" is given in the manner of a street-chant, and is in my view the more effective for this. But what would a doctrinaire Irish "traditional" singer make of this performance; that is, when there seems to be a prohibition (among some - doctrinaire - singers) upon any element of characterization, interpretation, "coloring" the voice, etc etc? (Just a question that's been concerning me for some time)