The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18505   Message #185161
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Feb-00 - 01:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Someone save Max!
[We're reporting live from the Mudcat Auction Sidebar and things seem to be heating up at last. The crowd's really getting theor money's worth tonight! Several of the more vigorous men have apparently become entangled in a strange, oddly ritualized contest involving bodily functions, distance, and aim. I believe, although we have not confirmed this with our sources yet, that this is what the Americans call a Pissing Contest. Let's move in closer. We're sorry for the blurry video, I'll try to describe what we're seeing here for you people at home. As we join the action live, one of them is pulling off his fellow's addy. One of them is attempting to stick a pick up somewhere rather delicately, and the other is gesticulating urgently about a need to dump something else somewhere else. I can just make out the words… "Mr. Wizard…" Ah yes, one of the fellows is replying, although we had understood that is not his actual name. On the other side of the action, Ten's son appears to have mounted somebody, but now their bi**ing has dropped off... And standing on the sidelines is a lady, she looks rather disgusted and yet amused… if I can make out what she's…. "This lady does not care to be assumed to be up against anything that has to do with these gents!" It's a chaotic scene, ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for updates… we're going back to the studio… Right, Nigel.]